Join us

Feel like joining us?

Then we will need to know what you’re doing. We need you to send us a comic project!

Please note: We will not accept sketchbooks and non-narrative project such as illustrations as a project.

A group of selected people will receive your submission.

Fill in the form below

Enter your name or alias, at least your email, maybe some website we can have a look at, be generous, the more we get the better we can understand your work and feel the potential behind it. Be sure to show us some comics among your work – or say a narrative project – again illustrations alone won’t do it. Some text is welcome to help us understand what you’re doing.

You can upload files that will be sent directly to our editorial staff. The images should be JPG, GIF, PNG or PDF formats and under 1 Mb.

All right then, let me show you how great my work is: