Workshops > 24h comics 2009

Stories made during the 24h comics 2009 in Brussels.

Jon, Balerinette et le guet-apens belge

23 pages By Morgan Navarro

Honte à moi, je n’ai pu faire que 17 planches en 24 heures. Ca m’a bien mis la rage et je jure de ne jamais recommencer une telle (...)

24h 2009
Ghassan Halwani
Grosse soirée en ville
Catherine Lepage
Catherine Genest
24h 2009
Francis Desharnais
La photo
Michel Hellman
Elise Gravel
Sacha Goerg

last comments

Mamoste Dîn

Merci beaucoup!

Curtis Tinsley



C’est très beau, mais ce serait encore plus beau avec un ‘s’ à ‘j’attends’.

24h comics

Did you know that we hosted several 24h comics? Hundreds of stories were made during these events, check them out!

Chacha, Baba and the mysterious frog

Chamomile (Chacha) finds a mysterious object from the past. With the help of their girlfriend Baklava (Baba) they try to understand (...)
