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Free online comics & graphic novels

Look at the Sun

By Kane Mooney #Dreamlike


By Johan Massez #Fantasy

j’ai passé la journée entière dans le brouillard qui flotte au dessus de moi

By lumiorah #Documentary


By Sophie Darcq #Fantasy


By Thierry Van Hasselt, Marcel Schmitz #Experimental

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Discover the most active comics on GRANDPAPIER!

Dans le béton

By Mamoste Dîn

La Tendresse

By Chloé Cavalier

Les dessins tout ronron d’Apolline

By Apolline

12 euros de l’heure

By Simon Boillat

Dino Sconfito

By Spata

The Comcis Solstice is over!

The Comics solstice took place on December 20 from noon to midnight. The event gathered nearly 200 students from 10 schools!

The rules were...

1. Draw 11 pages + 1 cover of comics in 12 hours.

2. Post your page online before midnight.

3. Try to make a story that can be understood for foreign readers, use simple words as much as possible.

4. The main character of the story is an object and must appear alone on the first panel.

Read the Comics solstice stories

go read stories produce during the event. Go check the the follow up to see all registred catoonists and schools.

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Tes dessins sont vraiment très beaux.


Très beau et intelligent !


Excellent ! L’intégration de Britney en photo, simple et efficace.

radio grandpapier

radio grandpapier logo Les chroniques Benoit nous présente L'archipel de Sacha Georg chez Gallimard. Maïa chronique Melek + Moi par Lina Ehrentraut chez même pas mal. Antoine présente Leftstar and the Strange Occurrence de Jean Fhilippe chez Silver Sprocket L'invité : Iason Saïtas Iason Saïtas est un auteur de bande-dessinée et illustrateur franco-grec de 26 ans ayant grandi à Bruxelles. Il a étudié à l'ESA Saint-Luc Bruxelles, et à l'Escola Massana de Barcelone. Ses récits touchent souvent à l'intime, (...) Lire la suite

24h comics

Did you know that we hosted several 24h comics? Hundreds of stories were made during these events, check them out!


Get a dive into our archives and discover older stories that are still very worth reading.


L’homme est une forêt qui se noie sous la pluie acide de la stratosphère intersidérale.

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