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You can say thank you to Takayo Akiyama

with some love!


Takayo Akiyama


Born in Japan now lives in London.

"The Siamese Twins Daisy et Violet "is now on sale!
Second series will be followed in March 2010. "The Siamese twins go to Hell"
It’s published by Edition Cambourakis.

Other comics from Takayo Akiyama

Y-Front Mouse

It’s a story about a mouse which is trapped.


Siamese Twins- Cafe Rossi

The Siamese Twins, Daisy and Violet went Cafe Rossi as usual...

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More comics tagged as #Funny

Les vieux os

Les tribulations d’un squelette à la recherche d’un boulot qui lui convienne.

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Casting On

It’s about knitting, no, it has nothing to do with knitting. It’s about beginning something.
