- The medical appointment [10th of november dream]- page 1
1a I’m a doctor.
- The medical appointment [10th of november dream]- page 2
1b I just got my diploma.
- The medical appointment [10th of november dream]- page 3
2a My office looks like a bourgeois parlor with an old fireplace and old furniture.
- The medical appointment [10th of november dream]- page 4
2b A couple comes in with a little boy.
- The medical appointment [10th of november dream]- page 5
3a The little boy has two fingers roughly bandaged. He twisted his little finger and his ring finger. He’s my first patient.
- The medical appointment [10th of november dream]- page 6
3b I realize that, despite my diploma, I am totally incompetent (seeing that, in the real life, I never studied medicine).
- The medical appointment [10th of november dream]- page 7
4a I pretend to diagnose the sprain. The parents say that they telephoned to their doctor who gave them some advices.
- The medical appointment [10th of november dream]- page 8
4b I confirm every advice of the real doctor. I begin mumbling. The parents are less and less fool.
- The medical appointment [10th of november dream]- page 9
5a I decide to remake the bandage of the small boy but he seems to have discovered my complete inexperience.
- The medical appointment [10th of november dream]- page 10
5b Because of my clumsiness, the child begins grumbling and finally refuses to let me do it.
- The medical appointment [10th of november dream]- page 11
6a The parents decide to leave and take their son to a better address.
- The medical appointment [10th of november dream]- page 12
6b I go to the window and see them go. They did not pay. I awaken. (the end)

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William Henne


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